ATCF is excited to be included in a celebration of the working class on April 5th, 2014, Proletariat Day, a day for constructing dialogue and advancing social justice alongside the reopening of Mexicarte's newest exhibition, Illustrating Anarchy and Revolution.
From 4:00pm-9:00pm we will join a variety of social justice organizations in the museum with the intent of spurring discussion of current sociopolitical questions under the banner of free art and entertainment. Mexicarte invites all their members and guests to interact with representatives from varying local campaigns as they table inside the museum, with each participating organization presenting their mission during the Soap Box Hour from 6:00-7:00pm.
Mexic-Arte Museum will offer free admission, 10% store discounts, and half-price Individual and Family memberships beginning at 4:00pm.
The Workers Reception will feature food provided by El Sol y La Luna and refreshments available from 6:00pm, as well as live screen printing from our education program and The Edge of Imagination Station’s mobile stop motion animation lab. Latin Rock group Kalua will perform at 7:00pm.
Participating organizations include:
ADAPT of Texas
Austin tan Cerca de la Frontera
Campaign to End the Death Penalty
Education Austin
International Socialist Organization
MonkeyWrench Bookstore
Mujeres en Medio
People Organized in Defense of the Earth
and her Resources (PODER)
Resistencia Bookstore
The Peoples Task Force
Workers Defense Project